person holding credit card in one hand and cash in the other

Fees & Charges

Cashier's Checks Fees
Customer: $5.00

Money Order Fees
Customer: $5.00

Collections Incoming / Outgoing Fees
Non-Customer: $25.00
Customer: $25.00

Wire Transfer Fees
Outgoing Wire: $20.00
 Incoming Wire: $20.00
Foreign Wire: $100.00
Research Bank Records: $25.00 Per Hour ($25.00 Min) Copy Included
Tax Levy / Freeze Processing $50.00
Statement Paper Printout: $5.00
Stop Payment Fee: $25.00
Stop Payment Fee - ACH Recurring Transaction $75.00
NSF Item Paid Returned over $25: $25.00 per item

ATM Fees
Debit Card Replacement: $10.00
Foreign ATM Usage Fee: $2.00 Per Item

Fees as of 5/1/2024