Pay your bills without having to write checks, buy stamps, or go to the Post Office
Pay bills in less time
- Set up payees.
- Schedule your payments, amounts to pay, and when to pay them.
- Set up auto pay, and let Panhandle First Bank take care of the bill.
- You set the rules on timing and amount, and we follow them.
- We send your payments as you tell us, and confirm with an email.
Keep track
View your payment history, and stay in control of your finances by knowing who’s getting paid and when they are getting paid. If you want, we’ll send you an email confirmation of your payments.
Bill Pay on the mobile app
Download the Panhandle First Bank mobile app to pay your bills securely, right from the palm of your hands.
There's no monthly service fee to use Bill Pay. Account fees may apply to your account(s) that you make Bill Pay payments from.